Can you smoke the new oxycontin op pills

Can you smoke the new oxycontin op pills
Revised: Defeating the new "OP" Oxycontin.
Company Boards > Purdue Both my father and I take Oxycontin for pain, and we have come to the same conclusion Have you been in Bridgeport, CT. recently
Can You Smoke Op 10 How can you crush Oxycontin op - The Q&A.
How Can You Crush New Oxycontin - The.
I have the new oxycontin and it seems undoable to crush and snort anybody know anything about that Yea It is made so that you can NOT Snort them Why would you want
Smoking Op. 40
Can you smoke the new oxycontin op pills
Can You Smoke Op. 60 Can You Smoke Oxycontin Op 80 - The.
just curious No the new Oxycontin OP have been specially designed to help prevent such abuse of the medication Even if you try to crush chew or dissolve them they
It's the PRESSURE when you try to crush the pill that turns it into that gel/gooey stuff. All you have to do is use a microplane grater on any OP. The pill grates
First of all, credit goes to 'Maverick' for starting the original 'Defeating the new "OP" Oxycontin' thread. Now, I don't want to offend anyone, but I noticed the
Instead of popping my pills I smoke them, don't ask why long story. I just picked up a new batch of oxycodone and they are generics I believe. Can they be smoked?
Experiences - canadian oxyneo vs.. .